Saturday came, and since I had decided the night before not to run the race I decided I
NEEDED to run. I left in the early afternoon while Gator napped.
10.4 miles8:38 paceFastest Mile: 7:11 SCORE!<-
insert biggest smile. I would have taken a pic but I get embarrassed asking people to photograph me>
WOOT! I felt good about this. Though I want my total pace to be 8:00, but I think my Nike+ was off on the last mile cause it said is was WAY 20 minute mile SLOW. And I KNOW for sure that is not the case....I wasn't walking!
So about half way through my run I had to go to the bathroom
REAL bad... How do I emphasize this without being gross?....I will just stick with real bad!
But I didn't want to stop anywhere. I just kept running, and hoping that the time would go by faster. I thought about stopping at a friends house but that just
sounded awkward to me. I thought about stopping at the gas station, but by the time I would arrive at the gas station I would only have
2 miles I figured I may as well just keep running and wait for the comforts of my own home... Good decision? I don't know! It definitely made for a
difficult last 5 miles to say the least!
What do you do while you run for potty breaks? Do you push through it, or do you just stop?*
This was my first run EVER I have
'fueled' mid-run. But I am trying to do better at fueling my body properly so I tried Jelly Belly Sports beans. I am not sure whether they helped or not. But they definitely
tasted good.
Candy+running= AWESOME I will probably try them a few more times to decide whether they help or not...
What do you use to stay fueled during a run?I got home and ate a bowl of cottage cheese and blueberries. I knew cottage cheese had a lot of protein, but I had no idea how much! 15g per 1/2 cup...
YES, PLEASE! I used to hate cottage cheese. Something about the curdled texture totally turned me off as a kid... ok, just the word 'curdled' makes me want to vomit. So moving on..
After my protein packed snacked I moved on to my favorite; Nutella Bread:

Have I shared with you yet my love for nutella bread? It is an obsession gone way to far, I think. My day is incomplete without my piece of nutella bread.
I usually have a slice as soon as my kids go down for bed at night. I don't drink alcohol, so I unwind with hazelnuts and chocolate :)
I love going for long runs, cause I feel like that justifies more than one slice of nutella bread in a day. And anything that can help me to eat more delicious things like this are totally welcome in my life.
How was your weekend? Any yummy treats? Any awesome runs?
ps Thursday was 20 minutes elliptical, and 3 miles on the treadmill---boring