Today was a busy one in our household. We spent the morning at the library, early afternoon at a preschool meeting (ok, Mom's just chatting and kids playing :) ), and the afternoon baking! I was feeling ambitious today and decided to whip up some delicious carbs.
On a whim I decided I was in the mood for some homemade bread. So I whipped up two loaves:
SO soft. SO delicious.
We also needed french bread with our veggie soup for dinner. So I tackled two loaves of that as well. I put one in the freezer so I can use it at a later date. I love feeling a little prepared with food in the freezer for those lazy nights.

The night ended with some of the bread and strawberry jam. OOOH. Heaven on Earth, right here people. I could seriously eat
AT LEAST half a loaf like this. I wonder how long this bread will last in our kitchen...
Unfortunately, I didn't get out for a run. Instead I did Turbo Jam 20 minute work out, 30 minutes of step (2800+) where I did curls for 15 minutes of the step, and 10 minutes of "wii" jogging...that is weird. Have you tried it? Weird. I also added some leg lifts and crunches in there. Hopefully tomorrow I can get in a nice run. I need to breathe in some of that cool, crisp air. Plus, I just got a couple new songs that I have been listening to on my runs. I am not sick of them yet, so I look forward to dancing and singing as I cruise down the sidewalk.
What did you do today?
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