Saturday we cleaned, pulled weeds, and cleaned some more. Then J, Maister and I headed to the Nike Outlet while my sister in-law watched Gator (read: while sister in-law and Gator both napped). We got some slick shoes for Gator to grow into, and J may have talked me into picking up a little something. I will post on it after I try it out on the run tomorrow. I can't wait!
The Nike Outlet just had a new neighbor move in; Ghirardelli Chocolate Store
mmm. Here is only a sampling of the loot we picked up:For our date we went for chinese food with some friends, watched the BYU vs. CSU game, and followed it with some grocery shopping. Romantic. Actually it was great. J was on the phone, so I didnt' have to worry about in throwing random things into my cart, and he just followed me around the store while I shopped away. We had a whole chat before we began our shopping about how we are on a budget and he can't throw in stuff or it is going to throw me off for the rest of the month... Secretly I usually think it is cute when he throws things in. He always buys the "fun" stuff, aka the stuff I will never buy. I am sure the kids will beg for him to do the grocery shopping when they are older.
What did you do this weekend?
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