I set out for a "long" run today. For me, I consider that anything over 5 miles. I always struggle the first 2-3 miles, but then I hit my stride and I feel like I could run forever. Today was no different, except it was cold and I could barely feel my fingers and nose. But it was SO worth it.
About half way through the run, a man on a bike shot past me and then stopped off to the side of the path. I thought he was probably asking me for directions or something. I get that a lot, I think I just must look like one of those direction gifted people. You know the type right? Anyways, I took my headphones out as he waved me down. We had a conversation that went something like this
Biker man: "Excuse me, have you been running a long time(meaning in general)? You have perfect form."
Awkward me: "Oh no, I just started last summer. Thank you very much. That is so nice."
Biker man: "I was just watching you from behind and thought, 'Wow, that woman has perfect
running form. You are a natural. Have you had any training?"
Awkward me: "Oh thanks! No, I haven't had any training. I am training for a race right now
though." --thinking back, I suppose that whole phrase is a contradiction
Biker man: "Well keep it up, you are a natural. You are a natural!"
Awkward me: "Thank you so much. Thank you!"
Then I ran off into the sunset. --ok that part is a lie, but I did run off to a stop light.
I know that I am not the best runner, I know that I don't have perfect form, but just receiving a compliment really boosted my confidence. It made me feel so good! And I think I ran a little faster after that.
I then listened to Enrique Iglesias' song, 'I like it'. For some reason that song always puts a smile on my face. I enjoyed the rest of my run and I still keep thinking about what a kind man he was. If you ever read my blog, thank you biker man! You really gave me the boost I have been in need of!
So today's run totaled 7 miles. SWEET! And besides being cold it felt GOOD. Oh, I just love running. Somehow I feel like it feeds my soul or something. Was that corny enough for you? I wish I had started running much sooner. I would have really enjoyed it even more when I was a student, or first married. But at least I have it now!

Here is a shot of me and my little one post-run. Looking good. I really need to blow dry my hair one of these days. The ponytail is getting old!
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