So he and Maister went to the Nike outlet (we only live a mile away, jealous?) this morning to get him some new compression shorts, and my running gloves. Unfortunately, they were ALL out of gloves. Can you believe that?? But he did surprise me by coming home with these goodies:
Jason really knows the way to my heart. :)
I have been wanting these socks for a long time, but I am too cheap to purchase them myself. Luckily J spoils me with treats like these. I can't wait to wear these on my next run.
When we were first married I would always steal his bright blue dri-fit socks, and we would both laugh as they were huge on me. They are also this super bright blue and red colors. They never matched anything I wore. But they were so comfy that fashion lost. But now I have two of my own pairs that I can work out in and not look so mismatching!
Someday I will dedicate a whole post to my feelings on Nike dri-fit clothing. I would just do a quick write up, but it is so awesome it needs to be a post all on its own!
Does fashion matter to you when you work out?
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