Today the furnace broke. To put it lightly: bummer. The kids and I were gone most of the morning to the park, and when we got home I couldn't figure out why I was still so cold. I finallly went to turn the thermostat up, and this is what I found on the bedroom wall unit:

It was slightly warmer in the rest of the house, but only by a few degrees. It was COLD. And this was how I felt about that:

I guess our furnace
is 17 years old...but still. I was shocked nonetheless.
I started calling differnt heating companies and everyone said the soonest they could come out was tomorrow. No good. I finally got two different companies to commit to coming this afternoon by telling them I would call a few other comanies and try to find someone who
could come today. This comment produced results. I wasn't even trying to manipulate them, I was just trying to politely tell them "Yeah, I am not going to be using your company." Apparently they
did want my business. Eventually I went with the company that said they would send somebody to my house right then. Booyah. I learned a good lesson there; making empty threats does work sometimes.
The technician came by and our cooling fan is broken. Did you know a furnace has a cooling fan? Did you know it has a motherboard? Did you know I didn't even know where our furnace was when it stopped working? Well that last one is totally solved now. It is in the attic, in case you were wondering. If your is "missing" look there. Anyways, the part won't be in until Friday, so we are making good use of our fireplace and a friends space heater. I hope mother in-law and boyfriend are ready for a chilly night tomorrow! Bring your long johns!
I just keep thinking this can't be a good way to be starting off the year. Please tell me this is
NOT a foreshadowing of things to come this year!
On the
bright side, I have always wanted to start a fire in our fireplace ever since we moved into our house! It makes it feel so cozy in our family room. The kids love it!
Enjoy the heat in your home tonight, and send your warm vibes our way!
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